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Money saved and defective workmanship fixed at Dubbo Hospital

by Lachlan Rampling 04 Jul 2023
Money saved and defective workmanship fixed at Dubbo Hospital - Blitz Systems

Serious Customer Installation Issue

An electrical project manager at the new Dubbo NSW Hospital called Blitz Systems for help. The cable tray and electrical installation had been defective due to non-compliant workmanship by multiple subcontractors, and their project was about to be completed.

Traditionally, to fix the issue we would require:

  • Complete disconnection of installed cables.
  • The removal of the installed cable support structure.
  • Reinstallation of cable support structures.
  • Reinstallation of cables.

Because the hospital is fully operational, any potential disruption caused by the above-mentioned works would greatly inconvenience the hospital and result in considerable costly penalties for the electrical contractor.

Blitz Systems Solution

Blitz Systems was able to provide a retrofit solution with the Studbite Multifix Support System. By utilising the current cable support infrastructure and permitting the relocation of the installed cables from the existing support tray, we can achieved a compliant and organised layout. This enabled the contractor to conduct this operation with no disruption to the hospital's functionality and completely mitigated any proposed penalties to the contractor.

Rectification costs using traditional methods VS Blitz solution

Traditional Method

2 Electricians @ $80 /Rate per hr = $160 / hr Time to complete scope of works = 80 manhours Labour $160 x 80 = $12,800

BLITZ Solution

2 Electricians @ $80 / Rate per hr – $160 / hr Time to complete scope of works = 8 manhours Labour $160 x 8 = $1280.00 Components = $952.00 Total Cost = $2232.00
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